Prior to the 'bombing' of New York and Washington last week, the flying public could be forgiven for complying with the orders of hijackers in the hope of a safe landing.

That has now changed forever. Now the whole world knows the depths of evil the terrorists will go to. It is now inevitable that such a successful method will be tried again. All airline passengers must now consider themselves to be a vast army at war with the terrorists.

Should a hijacking be attempted, it is the duty of all passengers to overpower the terrorists, by sheer force of numbers.

If they have already killed, using their own weapon on them would be an acceptable way of ensuring they do no further harm. If not, they could be overpowered and sat upon by half a dozen passengers.

It must not be left to airline staff alone, we all have a responsibility to fight this evil. These terrorists have declared war on us, the general public. We cannot leave the fight to the armies, the enemy is amongst us.

Carol Bielfeld,

Hartfield Avenue,
