Immunisation experts are keen to allay fears of a hepatitis A outbreak after it was disclosed over 650 pupils at a New Addington school were vaccinated against the disease last week.

Dr John Thomas, the district immunisation co-ordinator and consultant in public health medicine, confirmed a member of the catering staff at Addington High School in Fairchildes Avenue, New Addington, had contracted the disease and pupils had been offered immunisation.

Dr Thomas said: “Hepatitis A is a viral infection of the liver resulting in fever, malaise, abdominal discomfort, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite followed within a few days by jaundice.”

He added: “As the staff member was involved in food preparation, we have had to offer human normal immunoglobulin to all the students and staff who may be at risk.”

He said with end of year examinations approaching it was thought prudent to offer children and staff protection.