LOCAL doctors, Dr Jeremy Carless and Dr John Isaac are retiring on March 31 this year. Dr Carless has given 39 years service to the district and Dr Isaac over 26 years. Their input has greatly improved the medical facilities available locally, most notably the new surgery. Both will be greatly missed, and are wished long, happy and well deserved retirements.

NAPHILL and Walters Ash Fete, with the theme 'The Jubilee Years' will be on Saturday, June 1, so put this in in your diaries now. There will be a grand draw and volunteers are required to sell the tickets and programmes. There will also be a Best Neighbour award for which nominations will be needed these go to 236 Main Road, Naphill.

NAPHILL Methodists and friends are invited to the NCH Concert at Court Gardens, Marlow on Saturday, Saturday, March 16. Phone 01628 472303 for more details.

By Janet Idle