JOBLESS Andy Aliffe is so desperate for someone to offer him work he has taken to the streets wearing a sandwich board offering his services.

The 48-year-old producer, of Maybrook Gardens, High Wycombe, has applied for more than 100 jobs since he was made redundant three years ago after 15 years at a broadcasting company. But despite his efforts he has had only a few interviews and no job offers.

At the end of his tether, he hit High Wycombe town centre on Friday and spent two hours handing out leaflets advertising his skills and wearing a sandwich board bearing the catchphrase 'Gizza Job'. The phrase was coined by the terminally-unemployed Yosser Hughes from 1980s TV series Boys From the Black Stuff.

Mr Aliffe told Midweek: "It went quite well. One woman came up and said she admired what I was doing and was looking for someone for marketing."

He added: "Out of 120 job applications locally and nationally, only 12 people have ever got back to me and I only managed to get five interviews, but 'with regret, on this occasion you were unsuccessful in this application. Thank you for showing an interest in the company. We will however keep you on file should another suitable position arise'. Well, I'm now on so many files that I feel like the FBI's Most Wanted.

"Many of us have a lot of talent to offer to a limited employment market in specialist areas of expertise. I've worked in broadcasting, arts, theatre, events and exhibitions and all the peripheral jobs associated with media, but substitute any of my experience for anyone else's area of employment and you'll find a lot of people are going through the same mid-life career change options."

But Mr Aliffe has seen the lighter side of his predicament.

He joked: "I actually misread the definition of career' in the dictionary. It said 'out of control move or swerve about wildly'. Perhaps I did read it correctly.

If you wish to offer Mr Aliffe work contact him on 01494 527612.