In our 30-year history, nothing so dreadful has happened to the club and our players as the wilful burning of our pavilion at Woodfield Park (Destroyed overnight', January 24).

Words cannot express our dismay and revulsion at this wanton act of vandalism, reducing the facilities the club offered to all youngsters in Barnet and the surrounding area. It was a most disgraceful act.

In the short term, with the help of Barnet Council, we will provide temporary facilities to enable the newly constructed floodlit training area to be used, and changing rooms for matches on Sundays.

In the longer term, discussions are already taking place with the council and others to provide a suitable new pavilion facility at Woodfield Park. This, though, will take some time and we will have to be patient.

Club officers join me in confirming our intention for this season and for the future. A number of planning and action groups will be meeting towards these aims, and I ask everyone to give all the support they can to the officers' call and efforts Bob Smith, Len Halsey, Jon Bell, Ken Wildman, myself and our team managers.

Tim Sims,

Chairman, Princes Park FC