MOBILE closed-circuit television cameras has been suggested as a way to combat youth-related crime in areas of The Rundells, Harlow.

Several residents have complained to Harlow Council and the police about youngsters congregating in the area, vandalising play equipment, and even pelting residents with eggs.

Councillor Greg Peck said: "This problem has been going on for the last two years. We've spent a lot of money in the hope of alleviating the problems but they are still continuing and we need to take more direct action."

PC Stacy Tether, speaking at last Thursday's Latton area forum, suggested looking into using CCTV which had been successfully used in parts of London affected by similar problems.

He said: "These cameras are overt, they're not hidden away from people but in your face. Nobody likes being filmed so people either stop doing what they're doing or move away."

Councillor Matthew Shepherd expressed concern that rather than dealing with the problems the cameras would just move the problem elsewhere.

PC Tether said: "The whole point of this type of camera is that it's mobile so if there was a problem we would be able to follow the troublemakers until it has been resolved. Whether it's a large group who try to move elsewhere or just one or two who then disappear into a house we will still be able to follow them."