Runny nose, itchy eyes and sneezing hay fever needs no other introduction to long-term sufferers.

With the start of the season, we can look forward to months of irritation and misery. While antihistamines can provide some relief, medicines must be taken daily.

However, there is an alternative which may be the answer for people with the summertime hay fever blues.

The Bowen Technique a light-touch therapy which I tried out in Golders Green.

My practitioner was 25-year-old Carla Collenette, who practises this relatively new alternative treatment at LA Fitness in Golders Green Road. And, I must admit, after the first one-hour session my head certainly felt a bit clearer, my eyes were no longer itching and I haven't sneezed yet.

"The Bowen Technique is a non-intrusive, gentle, light-touch therapy where I make very gentle moves at precise points on the body stimulating its immune system," explains Carla.

It can be used to treat a wide range of ailments, from back and neck pain, knee problems, sports injuries and RSI, to respiratory and kidney problems.

My session was filled with soft, ambient tunes flowing over me as I lay on the couch in LA Fitness's beauty therapy suite.

Carla left me for short periods throughout the session, to allow the body to absorb the moves that she had made.

"The purpose of this is for the body to make slight adjustments which can relieve tension and help the healing process," she said. I left feeling relaxed but energetic and the hay fever, so far, seems to have vanished.

Born in Australia in 1916, Thomas Bowen created the Bowen Technique. In his 40s, he set up his own remedial therapy practice using the technique.

He died in the early 1980s but today there are still a number of therapies based on his work. And the good thing about this particular technique, according to Carla, is that you may find you only need two or three treatments to feel the difference.

Sharon Miller, 32, a beauty therapist in Golders Green, visited Carla's practice with a thumb injury.

"I was really worried about my thumb but felt a difference from the first treatment," she said.

"I originally went to hospital and they said I needed an operation but that would have meant I would not be able to work for a long time. My thumb feels absolutely fine now."

She added: "I was also a hay fever sufferer but these treatments have cleared up that too."

For more information contact Carla Collenette at LA Fitness on 020 8922 6779.