I wonder if any other Whetstone resident has written to you with regard to the Whetstone High Road Christmas decorations.

These are an absolute disgrace. They are a complete hotch-potch that look as if they were picked up at some car boot sale.

Many of the lights are not working and have not since they were installed. They are of different designs but in no uniform way.

I wonder if the people responsible have visited the High Road in the evening to see the impact the 'decorations' make?

Several years ago a couple of the bigger trees in the High Road were fitted with electrical boards (they are still there today) and a junction box was installed at the side to enable them to be decorated with small fairy lights. This was quite effective but they have not been used for a couple of years now. What a waste of money.

I have lived on Whetstone High Road for more than 30 years and have witnessed the decline of the area but do we really have to state to the rest of Barnet that we have given up and can't be bothered?

Mrs G A Watts

High Road, Whetstone