TOMORROW is the date for St John's Church Christmas Craft Fair, to be held in the School Hall from 11.30am to 3.30pm. There will be various Christmas crafts on sale, including candles, wreaths and surprise items, cakes, tombola, not forgetting refreshments of soup, mince pies and mulled wine.

ST John's School's own Christmas fair is on Friday, December 7 in the school hall, starting at


ST John's Church will hold their Service of Nine Lessons and Carols by candlelight on Sunday, December 23 at 6pm, and the Crib Service at 6pm on Christmas Eve.

MORE tennis players are needed by the Sports Club to play in the Aylesbury League matches next year, or just to participate and enjoy the game. They also need bowlers for the cricket section. The message for both tennis and cricket players seems to be "All talent appreciated, come if you can".