Michael Robson's words (Letters, February 7) are so beautiful that the first four paragraphs will be copied into my "commonplace" book.

He is right to fear the destruction of yet another precious part of the world because we cannot curb our greed for electricity - to see houses lit as if they were ocean-going liners; shops lit when there is no-one there; electrical equipment left on standby. The waste is endless and we are stupid if we cannot change our habits.

I also concur with his last two paragraphs. There are so many ways to destroy the soul of a thing, or place, and we humans are masters at dreaming up such ways.

We are in sore need of better dreams.

Thelma Edwards, 8 Hallin Park, Waternish, Isle of Skye.

Michael Robson's eulogy on the Isle of Lewis is breathtaking and poetic. Top advertisement for visiting "the great moor". Thanks for printing the letter.

Olga Pitcairn, New Hope, Pennsylvania, USA.