It is disappointing to read Mars chocolate products might no longer be suitable for vegetarians owing to the possible inclusion of calf's rennet (The Herald, May 15). Nevertheless, it is only a small increment in the wrong direction and, hopefully, Masterfoods will redress this own-goal.

The increasing number of vegetarians in recent years can be seen as a marker towards a more sophisticated and civilised society. Indeed, vegetarianism is simply a step in man's evolution. (Another example of such evolution towards civilisation is prohibition of smacking our children.) One only has to think of any vegetarians one knows to realise this group is a more thoughtful and cerebral cohort. In the future, when vegetarians will inevitably outnumber meat-eaters, we will perhaps reflect on a once-barbaric society. We may realise that if we cannot respect our animals, how can we respect our fellow man? Research has demonstrated that young children who are inconsiderate to animals are more likely to become dysfunctional adults; the converse is also true.

So as our society continues to evolve and number of vegetarians continues to increase, companies such as Masterfoods will realise that profits are falling and they, too, will have to evolve to survive.

Dr David Walker, 91 Adele Street, Motherwell.