What makes a good day to bury bad news? A day when the Prime Minister announces his resignation, perhaps? The Home Office have just sneaked out the news that cost estimates for the ID scheme have risen by the best part of half a billion pounds in the past six months.

The figures were required by law to be released several weeks ago.

Unsurprisingly, the government decided to keep quiet until there was other major news to help hide the announcement.

The London School of Economics warned before the legislation was enacted that the government had severely underestimated the costs, but MPs chose not to listen. Now the costs are escalating even before any contracts have been awarded or any ID cards issued.

MPs have a duty to scrutinise public expenditure. They should take this opportunity to scrap the expensive, ill-considered and intrusive ID scheme.

Geraint Bevan, NO2ID Scotland, 3e Grovepark Gardens, Glasgow.