Agnes Stevenson

Latest articles from Agnes Stevenson

Come and join the big conversation at Diversity Dialogues

The second in the series of The Herald & GenAnalytics Diversity Dialogues will take place in Glasgow next week. It follows on from the success of the launch event, held in Edinburgh in March, and once again it will bring together industry leaders and representatives from across the business and third sector communities to explore how organisations can firmly embed diversity and inclusion into every aspect of what they do.

Castle linked to Macbeth is home to a blaze of rare blue poppies

When it comes to history and romance, Cawdor Castle has both in abundance and its ancient walls, drawbridge and links to Macbeth have ensured a stream of visitors over the centuries. Dr Samuel Johnson stopped off here on his tour of the islands and Robert Burns also stayed under its roof.

This is one of the most colourful gardens on the North Coast 500

Attadale Garden sits on the edge of Loch Carron and from the hillside behind the house there are spectacular views westwards towards Skye. This is one of the west coast’s most celebrated gardens and at this time of year, when the rhododendrons are in full flower, it is also one of the most colourful.

Market disruptor with an appetite for expansion

Agnes Stevenson meets Glen Gilson, Chairman and Managing Partner of Gilson Gray, a serial winner of accolades at The Herald Law Awards for Scotland and one of Scotland's fastest growing law firms

What does the future have in store for us?

Against the backdrop of a world experiencing rapid technological and environmental change, business leaders and young people will gather at The 23:30 Vision Event in Glasgow next week (April 17) to share ideas about how to create a positive and prosperous business environment for the benefit of all.